[PlanetCCRMA] fc8 install

Juan I Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Mar 26 14:46:00 2008

> I do see syntax highlighting in both lisp and c files. I just don't get it 
> with cm/clm - these keywords - with-sound, envelope* - need to be defined 
> somehow, somewhere.

If you are using Emacs not Xemacs I have on my dot_emacs

;; turn on font-lock mode
(global-font-lock-mode t)

You can set auto-mode-alist as follows:

(mapcar #'(lambda (element)  
            (setq auto-mode-alist 
     (push element auto-mode-alist)))
          ("\\.ats$"        . lisp-mode)                              
          ("\\.clm$"        . lisp-mode)                              
          ("\\.cm$"         . lisp-mode)                              
          ("\\.cmn$"        . lisp-mode)                              
          ("\\.ins$"        . lisp-mode)                              
          ("\\.cl$"         . lisp-mode)                              
          ("\\.lisp$"       . lisp-mode)                              
          ) )

Otherwise on a CLM file you can type M-x lisp-mode or better M-x

  --* Juan