[PlanetCCRMA] pulseaudio successfully banished to the AC97 CODEC?

Julius Smith jos at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Apr 26 10:38:17 PDT 2011

Thanks for the extra info.  I see that Chrome uses various plugins to
handle "audio streams", so I guess it depends on how the plugin works,
and there are several of them (VLC, Totem, Windows Media Player, ...).

My main observation so far, however, is that configuring my preferred
JACK audio interface to 'off' in the PulseAudio Volume Control seemed
to solve my contention problem.  I'll post an update if I run into any
more trouble along these lines.

- Julius

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
<nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On 04/25/2011 10:04 PM, Julius Smith wrote:
>> I should have said "the first server wins and the second server
>> loses".  The race for me was typically Chrome vs. JACK. - jos
> I imagine that Chrome is trying to use alsa directly and not through
> pulseaudio. In that case all bets are off. Maybe there is a confguration
> option in Chrome? If you start Jack you should see it asking for the card
> and getting it from pulseaudio.
> -- Fernando
>> At 09:59 PM 4/25/2011, Julius Smith wrote:
>>> Yes, I'm using Fedora 14.  I have never seen PA relinquish
>>> anything.  My experience is that the first device wins and the
>>> second device loses.  Could I have some old configuration stuff
>>> somewhere?
>>> At 09:31 PM 4/25/2011, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>>> On 04/25/2011 08:53 PM, Julius Smith wrote:
>>>>> I just discovered an apparently valuable utility with the humble name
>>>>> "Volume Control" at
>>>>>      Applications / Sound&   Video / PulseAudio Volume Control
>>>>> There is a Configuration tab where it appears possible to disable
>>>>> devices by setting them to "off".  I disabled everything but the AC97
>>>>> CODEC (the little audio chip on the motherboard), and now it appears
>>>>> pulseaudio is happily using that while JACK uses the EDIROL UA-25EX
>>>>> (hooked up via USB).
>>>>> PA/JACK coexistence is peaceful for the time being.  Before, I had to
>>>>> be careful to start JACK before something like Chrome that used
>>>>> pulseaudio.
>>>> Is this on Fedora 14? When JACK starts PA should relinquish the
>>>> card (and of course nothing will come out of Chrome audio - I have
>>>> not tried Chrome myself). What error messages were you getting?
>>>> Perhaps Chrome is not using PA for audio? (in that case all bets are
>>>> off).

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